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About Us

Tihei mauri ora.

Ko Te taumata whakatangihanga koauau a Tamatea Pokai Whenua mo taana tahu ki a
Ranginui te maunga,
Ko Waipaoa te awa,
Ko Te Aitanga a Mahaki te iwi,
Ko Whanau a Kai te iwi me te hapu,
Ko Rongopai te marae,
Ko Wi Pere Trust te taonga,
Ko Wi Pere te rangatira, te tohunga, te tipuna, te tangata.

Tena koutou katoa.

The Trustees of the Wi Pere Trust bid greetings to all who are interested in knowing more about our taonga.

The Wi Pere Trust is a legacy left by the man Wi Pere for his descendants. The trust while constituted on 14 April 1899, was imposed on Wi Pere or he faced losing his legacy to the financial institutions of the time.

Beneficial interests or shares were bestowed and continue to be transfered to future generations today. The Trust is a statutory trust board in accordance with the Maori Purposes Act 1991.

The governance of the Trust since inception had always had a majority of non Wi Pere whanau trustees. This started to change in the 1950's, until today the Trust is governed by 5 Wi Pere whanau members.

The current trustees and beneficiaries reflect the pride and passion that Wi Pere had in wanting the Trust's enterprises to be prosperous and successful.

The Wi Pere Trust is a mixture of cultures both whanau and commercial. While this makes the Trust somewhat unique, it adds to the challenges the trustees need to consider to ensure Wi Pere's legacy is nurtured and enhanced for its future generations of beneficiaries.

Rongopai Marae join us on Face Book.

© 2024 Wi Pere Trust

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