Thursday 11th May 2023
Tēnā koutou ki te whānau o Wi Pere,
It is with great pleasure we advise the Wi Pere Trust are one of three finalists in this year’s
Ahuwhenua Trophy: Excellence in Māori Horticulture Award 2023. This has been a
tremendous achievement to date for everyone involved, and I extend our sincerest
congratulations to our General Manager, Wayne Hall and his hardworking team.
Part of the competition requires each of the finalists to host a field day at their horticulture
operations. We would like to extend a warm invitation to our shareholders to attend this
event. On behalf of my fellow Trust board members, I would like to encourage you all to
take this opportunity to show your support for our horticulture operations.
The field day is to be held on Thursday 11th May 2023, meeting at 9.15am (powhiri
underway at 9.30am), at 864 Lavenham Road, Patutahi, Gisborne. We will profile some
of the key areas that we have learnt, as well as our future plans. It will include a property
tour, presentations of governance, management and financial information, as well as kai
and refreshments. The day will conclude at approximately 2.00 pm.
Kindly note that the field day is via coach transport only. We encourage attendees to use
the onsite parking, and to join the tour on the coach buses provided. On conclusion of the
tour, all coach buses will return back to the original starting point at Tangihanga Orchard.
RSVP: For catering purposes, if you would like to attend the field day then please contact
the BDO Gisborne Pākihi Māori Business team on 06 869 1400 or email mbu@bdo.co.nz.
An event flyer for the field day is enclosed for your information.
We look forward to seeing you on the 11th May. Nau mai, haere mai ki te whānau o Wi Pere.
Nāku noa, nā
Alan Haronga
Chair – Wi Pere Trust