The Wi Pere Trustees are responsible to 506 (2017) beneficaries in accordance with the Maori Purposes Act 1991 and Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993.

Alan Parekura Torohina Haronga - Chair
Alan is a chartered accountant and former partner of a major international accounting firm with 20+ years in Canada and New Zealand. Alan's experience developed in the area of buying, selling and repositioning small, medium and large businesses.
Alan maintains a range of directorships in various organisations involved in resource development, change management, business transformation and repositioning, market development and intellectual property development to keep abreast of current business issues both local and international.

Kingi Smiler
Kingi is a Chartered Accountant CA, BCA and has a wealth of international business experience including eight years in Toronto working in the business planning and corporate restructuring fields with Ernst & Young. He was a Partner with Ernst & Young from 1990–1997.
His current directorships include: Chairman and Executive Director of Wairarapa Moana Incorporation, Chairman of Ahuwhenua Trophy Committee, Director of Mangatu Incorporation, Director of Integrated Foods Limited, Chairman of the Tarawhiti Land Development Trust (major regional initiative), Chairman of Miraka Limited.

Trudy Meredith
Trudy Meredith (nee Keelan) FIPS, PCT
Originally involved in education after becoming a certificated Commercial Teacher through Christchurch Teachers College in 1967.
Founding tutor of the now Tairawhiti Polytech from 1971 to 1975.
Married to Joseph Meredith
Owner operator of Private Kindergarten, Multiple dairies, Ulverstone Castle and a Supermarket. Previous owner operator of Gisborne Hotel Function Centre for last 21 years.
Special Award from Palm Dessert City known as Trudy Meredith Day in year 2000.
Business and Property developer Passionate landscaper and gardener. Avid historical researcher for past 16 years Family background in pastoral and agricultural farming.
Elected as trustee in 2007.

Hector Pere
I am a qualified motor mechanic and hold a New Zealand Advance Trade Certificate In Automotive Engineering. I began my career as an apprentice with the New Zealand Post Office Workshop in Gisborne was then promoted, and subsequently moved to and settled in Auckland.
I served 20 years with this organisation, rising from the floor through to management. I am presently employed with Vehicle Testing New Zealand as a Vehicle Inspector and am also the EPMU union representative for Takanini VTNZ.

Jason Lardelli
Jason has served in various senior executive roles in the New Zealand and Australian financial and insurance sectors over the last 15 years. He has worked within government and private organizations with a focus on business performance planning and early innovation to deliver against ambitious strategic and operational objectives.
He has a progressive outlook to try, test and learn with the aim of building confidence and clarity of direction.
Jason holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Economics (Waikato) and a Master’s degree in Health Management (Massey).
Currently Jason leads Strategic Delivery for a Victorian based Insurer while also operating a private consultancy

Te Hira Pere, Director - Pou Tikanga
Te Hira is a current civil servant with a background in Law, public policy, strategic partnerships, and
Crown Māori relations. Proudly Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rongowhakaata, and Whanau a Kai, decent.
Te Hira has dedicated his career to bridging equity gaps between Māori and non-Māori. Having held
several senior roles across various iwi/Māori entities and Crown agencies, including Te Puni Kokiri,
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, and Worksafe New Zealand, and now currently at the
Tertiary Education Commission. Te Hira's commitment to empowering Māori communities and
fostering self-determination has been instrumental in his work across both the public service and
private sector.
In 2020 Te Hira co-founded "Whakatipuranga Limited", a Law and cultural consultancy firm
specialising in Treaty settlements, Māori equity, land law, Māori policy and Treaty issues. While in
2023 Te Hira joined Vertilink Infrastructure Group as a director which is a New Zealand based firm
dedicated to the design, development, and management of Vertiports with supporting the
integration of Advanced Air mobility in the APAC region.
Internationally, Te Hira has shared his insights in the United States on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the
incorporation of indigenous solutions to address systemic inequalities.
Currently leading the Business and Partnerships unit at the Tertiary Education Commission, Te Hira
remains dedicated to effecting positive changes in all that he does.
Te Hira holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Waikato